*Mr. and Mrs. Dursley , who lived at 4 Privet Drive had argued with great pride that they were perfectly normal , thank you for them. * Anyone Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: mistranslation ever could have imagined they could be involved in anything strange or mysterious. They did not have time to waste on nonsense .
Mr. Dursley headed Grunnings , a company that manufactured drills. * It Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender was a tall burly man , who had virtually no neck , but on the other hand had a mustache nice size . Mrs. Dursley , meanwhile, was thin and blonde and had a stroke Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation two times longer than the average, which was very useful to him Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender to spy on his Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion it Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender was the most beautiful child in the world .
The Dursleys had everything they wanted. The only undesirable thing they had, it was a shameful secret. *If anyone were to ever hear about Potter , they were convinced they just do not call . Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: mistranslation Mrs. Potter was Mrs. Dursley 's sister , but both had not seen since the wedding of Mrs. Potter. In fact, Mrs. Dursley pretended that she was an only child , because her sister and her good for nothing husband were as far away as possible from what was a Dursley . The Dursleys trembled with fear at the thought of what would Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: insertion the neighbors think if by misfortune Potter showed their street Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: number . They knew that Potter , too, had a little boy , but they had never seen. *Its existence constituted an additional reason to keep Potter away : there was no question that the little Dudley starts to attend Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation a child like that .
When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the morning of Tuesday when this story begins , it was gray and sad and nothing in the cloudy sky could have predicted that strange and mysterious things would soon occur across the country . *Mr. Dursley hummed a tune tying its Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender most sinister tie for work and Mrs Dursley teasingly told the latest gossip in the neighborhood trying to install it Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender on Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: mistranslation his highchair young Dudley bawling all the strength of his lungs.
None of them noticed the big bronze owl plumage Part Of Speech: adjective; Error Type: mistranslation fluttered Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense past the window .
*At half past eight , Mr. Dursley picked up his briefcase , kissed on the cheek and Mrs. Dursley Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation tried to kiss Dudley, but without success, as it Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender was facing a tantrum and applied to throw against the wall of the room the contents of his plate grain . *Sacred little man chuckled Mr. Dursley as he left the house. He got into his car and backed down the driveway leading to Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: mistranslation the house.
It was in the corner he noticed for the first time an unusual detail : a cat reading a map. Revérifia Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation it and saw that the cat was there but no trace of road map , he had fooled Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense by the sun's reflection . Mrs. Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender Dursley continued to observe the cat in his mirror . *The animal was reading the plate indicating " Privet Drive " - but no, see , he did not read it i watched / i plate Part Of Speech: conjunction; Error Type: mistranslation . Cats can not read maps or signs. Mr. Dursley pulled himself together and concentrated his thoughts on the big control drills he was hoping to get that day .
*But when he reached the outskirts of the city drove Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: insertion something other drills his head, he noticed the presence of several bystanders dressed in a strange way : they wore capes . *Mr. Dursley could not bear people - young had shifted some of these accoutrements Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation ! He thought it was a particularly stupid new fashion but Mr Dursley was angry when he saw that two of them were not young at all. *This man, there was certainly older than him, which did not prevent him wearing a emerald green cloak . What impudence Part Of Speech: adjective; Error Type: mistranslation ! *Mr. Dursley as he must have thought an animated street, these people were there to raise money for the benefit of any Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: mistranslation work . This could be it . Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: mistranslation *Mr. Dursley finally put it in the parking Grunnings . Drills had taken place in his thoughts.
In his office on the eighth floor , Mr. Dursley always sat back to the window . Had it been otherwise, he Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender would probably have been a little harder than usual to concentrate on his drills, this morning. *He did not see the owls flying on the wing but passers Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation them Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: aspect , saw them. *Mr. Dursley , however, noticed nothing unusual and no owl did Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: insertion not Part Of Speech: adverb; Error Type: insertion come Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense to disturb his morning. *He sharply rebuked Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation a half-dozen employees, spent several major blows over and pushed a few more screams. *He felt a good mood until lunchtime where he thought it would be good to stretch the Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: gender legs a bit . *He then crossed the street to buy something to eat at the bakery opposite Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: insertion .
* Passersby Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: number were dressed in cloaks him completely out of his head, but when he again saw some near the bakery, he passed them in their launching an angry look Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation . He did not know why, but it made him uncomfortable . *They too excited whispering of air and he did not see any box for collecting money . When he left the shop with a big donut wrapped in a bag , he heard a few words of their conversation.
- The Potters , that's right, that's what I heard ...
- Yes, their son Harry ...
- A damn good sorcerer, if you want to know ...
Mr. Dursley stopped, overcome by a sudden fear and he quickly crossed the street , shut himself up in his office while telling his secretary not to disturb him, seized his telephone and had almost finished dialing the Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: insertion home when he changed his mind. *He would speak to Mrs. Dursley tonight, any allusion to his sister put her in such a state !
This afternoon , he found it much more difficult to concentrate on these drills and when he left the office at five o'clock, he was still so worried that someone knocked Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mood at the door.
*- Heartbroken , he muttered the old tiny man he failed to do fell Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation . To the great displeasure of Mr. Dursley , the man wore a purple cape and he replied in a shrill voice that earned him the attention of passers :
- Do not be sorry , my dear sir. *Nothing today can not Part Of Speech: adverb; Error Type: insertion make me angry . Rejoice , because You-Know- Who has finally disappeared. Even Muggles like you should celebrate this happy, happy day! Mr. Dursley wondered what that meant " muggle ". He hurried back into his car and took the road to the house. *When engaged Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation in went from 4 Privet Drive, he saw that the cat was still there, in a bad mood , he took a broom in the garage and drove Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation the cat , who had a stern look , the garden of his house. Mr Dursley could finally return to his home. During dinner , Mrs. Dursley told him the latest gossip of the neighborhood and it Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender also reported that Dudley had learned a new word : " not Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation ! " He sat in the living room and looked Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation at Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: insertion the end of the newscast :
- According to testimony from various regions , it seems that the Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: mistranslation owls have behaved in a very strange way during the day, said the presenter. Normally , owls are nocturnal raptors Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation , it is rare to see [del] Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: deletion in daylight. Today, however, hundreds of witnesses saw these birds flying around since sunrise. That is mysterious, the presenter concluded by authorizing a smile. And now came the time of the weather , with forecasts of Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: mistranslation Jim McGuffin . *So Jim , is what we should expect further falls Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion owls during the next night.
- That I would not be able to tell you , Ted, said the man on the weather , but know in any case that the owls are not the only [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion was Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: insertion to behave in a strange way . Viewers who live in remote areas as each other as Kent, Yorkshire and the east coast of Scotland telephoned me to say that instead of the rain I had planned for today, they have real meteor showers ! Maybe it was [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion bonfire , although this is not yet the season. Anyway, you can be sure that the time of the next night will be very wet.
Mr. Dursley froze in his chair. Of Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: insertion meteor showers all over the country ? Owls flying by daylight ? Weird people wearing capes ? And these murmurs , whispers on Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: mistranslation the Potter ... That finally convinced Mr. Dursley talking Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense to Mrs. Dursley who had just entered the room with two cups of tea . Mr. Dursley , a little nervous, cleared his throat .
*- Uh ... Petunia , dear, he Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender says Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense , you have not heard from your sister lately?
As expected, his wife looked shocked and angry . She always pretended not to have a sister.
- No, she replied dryly. Why ?
- I've seen strange men this day , he wore capes , there's also stories of owls and shooting stars.
- So what? Threw Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation Mrs. Dursley .
- I thought ... maybe ... it was something to do with his Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: gender band Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation ... ...
Mrs. Dursley curled [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion lips drinking his Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: gender tea in small sips. Her husband wondered if he would dare tell him Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender that he had heard the name " Potter ." *He decided that Part Of Speech: conjunction; Error Type: insertion yes and with [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion a detached air as possible, he said :
- I 'm telling you this because I heard the name of your sister in [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion conversations [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion these strange people, their son ... it Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender has Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation roughly the same age as Dudley , right?
- I suppose , 'said Mrs. Dursley stiffly.
*- What is the Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: gender name he Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: insertion already ? Howard, is not it?
- Harry. A very unpleasant very ordinary name, if you ask me .
- Ah yes , said Mr Dursley felt Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: aspect his heart stop. Yes, I agree with you.
He did not say another word about it as they climbed the stairs to go to bed. While Mrs. Dursley was in the bathroom, Mr. Dursley crept to the bedroom window and cast Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense a glance in the garden. The cat came back and watched the street as if waiting for someone.
*Mr. Dursley imagined there things ? *All that he had a relationship with Potter? If this was the case ... If it turns out they were parents Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation with ... No, he could never bear .
He lay in his bed with his wife , he slept in his bed.
In the street , the cat on the wall , he showed no signs of drowsiness. He sat motionless as a statue, laying his eyes wide open in the corner of Privet Drive. There was not the slightest reaction when car door slammed in the next street , nor when two owls passed over his head. It was almost midnight when he finally moved.
A man appeared on the corner of the street that the cat had been watching all this time . *He appeared so suddenly and so quietly that seem to have out of the ground . The cat's tail quivered , his eyes narrowed.
*We had never seen in Privet Drive something like this man . He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver color of his hair and his beard down to his waist. He was wearing a long dress , a purple cloak that swept the ground and wearing high-heeled boots , buckled . Its blue and bright eyes sparkled behind half-moon spectacles and his long hooked nose gave the impression of having been broken at least twice. This man's name was Albus Dumbledore. He was busy looking for something in his long cloak , but seemed to realize he was being watched , because he suddenly looked up at the cat who was still staring at him on the other side of the street. For some reason , the sight of the cat seemed to amuse him . He chuckled and muttered : - I should have guessed .
He had found what he sought in an inner pocket , there was a silver lighter . He lifted his cap , handed over his head and lit it twelve times. All streetlights then extinguished one by one in a small slam . Once the street plunged into complete darkness , he walked to No. 4. *When it was reached , he sat on the wall next to the cat. He did not give him a look , but after a moment's silence, he spoke :
- It's fun to see you here, Professor McGonagall he said.
He turned his head to send a smile to chat Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation but it was gone. *Dumbledore smiled Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense at present Part Of Speech: adjective; Error Type: insertion in Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: insertion a severe-looking woman with square glasses. She also wore an emerald green cape . Her hair was pulled [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion tight bun and she looked strangely annoyed.
- How did you know it was me ? she asked .
- My dear Professor , I 've never seen a cat take such a steep Part Of Speech: adjective; Error Type: mistranslation manner.
- You too would be a bit steep Part Of Speech: adjective; Error Type: mistranslation if you stay Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: tense sitting all day on a brick wall, said Professor McGonagall .
- All day ? While you could celebrate with others? Coming here , I have seen a dozen feasts and banquets.
Professor McGonagall snorted angrily .
- Yes, I know , everyone partied , she said with annoyance. You would think they would be more careful, but no, not at all! Even Muggles have noticed that something was happening . They have spoken [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion to Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: mistranslation the news. *She showed [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion a nod [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion the living room window of Dursley , in darkness .
- I heard [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion myself. They reported the theft Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation of owls ... meteor showers ... Muggles are not completely stupid. It was inevitable that they might notice. Shooting stars in Kent ! I bet it is still a favorite Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion Dedalus Diggle . He never had a lot of gumption .
- You can not blame them , 'said Dumbledore gently. We have not had much to celebrate for eleven years.
- I know , 'said Professor McGonagall sternly , but it is not a reason to lose your head. All these people were madly imprudent . Walking through the streets in broad daylight, to exchange the latest news without even taking the precaution to dress like muggles !
She cast a sidelong glance at Dumbledore and piercing , as if she hoped he would say something, but he remained silent .
- We would be in trouble , 'she said then, if the day You -Know-Who seems to have finally disappeared, muggles learned our existence. I guess he [del] Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: deletion really gone , is not it , Dumbledore .
- It seems that this is so, indeed Part Of Speech: adverb; Error Type: insertion assured Dumbledore. And we have every reason to congratulate ourselves . How about an Eskimo Lemon Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation ?
- A what?
- An Eskimo Lemon Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation . *This is a treat that makes the Muggle and I must say it is pretty good.
*- Thank you, not for me, coldly replied Professor McGonagall seemed to feel that the time was not ripe to eat ice Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation lemon . I told you that even if you know who 's really gone ...
- My dear teacher, someone so reasonable that you should not hesitate to pronounce his name? *Do not you think ? This way of saying " You Know Who " has no meaning . *For eleven years , I tried to convince people of the called by name : Voldemort. Professor McGonagall grimaced but Dumbledore had left two Eskimo Lemon Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation did not seem to notice.
- If we continue to say " You Know Who ", we will end up creating confusion. I see no reason to be afraid to say Voldemort's name .
- I know you do not see , 'said McGonagall seemed half exasperated , half admiring . But you 're different. Everyone knows you 're the only one to have never scared Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation You Know Who ... or Voldemort if you insist .
- You flatter me , Dumbledore said in a quiet voice . Voldemort has powers that I have ever had.
*- This is simply because you have too much ... [del] Part Of Speech: conjunction; Error Type: deletion say nobility to make use of .
- Fortunately it is night . I never blushed so much since the day when Madam Pomfrey told me she was Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation my new earmuffs lovely .
- Owls , this is nothing compared to the rumors , she said . You know what everyone says about the reasons for his disappearance ? What eventually stop ?
Apparently , Professor McGonagall had to broach the subject that he held closest to his heart , the real reason had decided to wait all day , sitting on a cold wall. *For never a cat or a woman had fixed a penetrating look that Professor at this moment . Obviously, she would not believe what everyone said as Dumbledore would have not confirmed that this was the truth.
- What to Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation say , continued the professor, is that last night Voldemort came to Godric's Hollow to seek the Potter. According to the rumor , Lily and James Potter are ... well, they say they are ...dead ...
Dumbledore nodded. Professor McGonagall was struggling to catch his breath .
- Lily and James ...I do not believe it ...I do not want to admit it ...Oh, Albus ...
Dumbledore reached out and patted her shoulder.
- I know ...I know ...he said gravely .
- And that 's not all , she said in a trembling voice . They say he tried to kill Harry, the son of Potter. But it Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender was not [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion . It Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender failed to remove this toddler.
Dumbledore nodded gloomily .
- This is ...is this true? Muttered Professor McGonagall. After everything he did ...all the people he killed ...he has not managed to kill a little boy ? It is amazing ...nothing else had been able to stop [del] Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: deletion ...but for heaven's sake , why is it that Harry is able to survive ?
*- You can only make assumptions, Dumbledore said , we will never know maybe.
*Professor McGonagall pulled out a lace handkerchief and wiped his eyes under his glasses. Dumbledore [del] Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: deletion [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion deep breath and looked at his watch and said :
- Hagrid 's late. In fact, I imagine that it was he who told you I'd be here .
- Yes, admitted McGonagall , and I suppose you will not tell me why you came to that specific location.
*- I came to trust Harry 's last family life now .
- You mean ...impossible! Not the people who live in the house she said, pointing the Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: gender finger [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion 4 . Dumbledore, you can do it , I watched all day. You can not imagine [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion more different than we are . In addition , they have a son ...I saw him kicking his mother walking along the street screaming demanding candy. Harry Potter come and live here!
- This is the best place for Harry, Dumbledore replied in a firm tone . His uncle and aunt [del] Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: deletion explain [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion him when he is older . I wrote them a letter .
- After all , you should know what you do and then it will keep it away from the media and Rita Skeeter .
- Thank you for your trust , Professor Dumbledore replied .
- How will it happen? Asked McGonagall.
- This Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: mistranslation is Hagrid must bring [del] Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: deletion , said Dumbledore.
- And you think it is wise to entrust such an important task to Hagrid .
- I would trust my life to Hagrid , Dumbledore assured .
- I'm not saying it Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender lacks heart , said Professor McGonagall grudgingly , but acknowledge that it Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender is quite careless. it Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender tends to ... What is that?
A low growl broke the silence of the night . The noise increased intensity while they scrutinized the street on both sides to try to see the light of a lighthouse. The rumble turned into crackling over their heads. They then looked up and saw a huge motorcycle fall from the sky and landed in front of them on the road.
The bike was huge, but it was nothing compared to the man who sat on [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion . It Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender was two times larger than average and five times wider. *It was like a wild, with her Part Of Speech: pronoun; Error Type: gender long black shaggy hair, his beard that completely hid his face, his hands the size of a dustbin lid and feet shod in leather boots that looked like baby dolphins . The man was holding a pile of blankets in his huge muscular arms .
- Hagrid , Dumbledore said with relief. You 're finally here . Where did you researched Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation this bike ? No problem ?
- The 've Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation borrowed , Professor Dumbledore replied the giant down with care of the bike , it is the young Sirius Black who lent [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion me . *Otherwise, the house was almost completely destroyed, but I managed to get out of there before the Muggles begin to replicate Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation . He fell asleep when we flew over Bristol.
Dumbledore and McGonagall leaned over the pile of blankets. Inside, just visible , a baby asleep . Under a tuft of jet black , they made out on his forehead cut a strange lightning bolt .
- This is where ... ?whispered Professor McGonagall.
- Yes, 'said Dumbledore. It Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender will keep this scar forever.
- You could not fix it , Dumbledore ?
- Even if I could, I would not do it . The scars are sometimes useful . Myself, I have one above the left knee , which is the exact plan Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: mistranslation of the London Underground . Give me Hagrid , it's time to do what it takes .
Dumbledore took Harry in his arms and turned toward the Dursleys' house . Hagrid kissed Harry let out a long howl of a wounded dog. *McGonagall scolded gently and looked Dumbledore stepped over the low wall of the garden and advanced towards the entrance of the house. He put Harry at the door and slipped a letter between the covers , and then returned to the other two. For a long time , all three remained motionless, side by side, gazing at the small pile of blankets. Hagrid 's shoulders shook , Professor McGonagall blinked furiously , and the light that usually shone from Dumbledore 's eyes seemed to die .
- Well, here , finally said Dumbledore. There is no need to stay here. As Part Of Speech: conjunction; Error Type: mistranslation reach others for partying ...
- Yes, said Hagrid in a choked voice . I'm going to make Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation the bike [del] Part Of Speech: preposition; Error Type: deletion Sirius. Goodnight teachers.
*Wiping with the back of his neck streaming eyes , Hagrid got on the bike and started the engine started Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: insertion . In a roar , the bike [del] Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: deletion up into the air and disappeared into the night.
- Soon Part Of Speech: adverb; Error Type: mistranslation , I imagine , Professor McGonagall , Dumbledore said with a nod.
In response, Professor McGonagall blew her nose . Dumbledore turned and walked away down the street. *He stopped at the corner and took the extinguisher in his pocket money Part Of Speech: adjective; Error Type: mistranslation . He operated [del] Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: deletion once and a dozen bright balls immediately returned to the lamps . *Privet Drive was suddenly bathed in orange light and Dumbledore distinguished silhouette of a cat which turned the corner of the street. It also saw Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation the pile of blankets in front of the door number 4.
- Good luck, Harry , he murmured without doubt the number of concern Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: number that would cause Part Of Speech: verb; Error Type: mistranslation Harry Potter in the future. He turned and disappeared in a flurry of [del] Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: deletion cape. Harry Potter turned in his blankets without waking up . Her Part Of Speech: determiner; Error Type: gender small hand closed on the letter placed beside him and he continued to sleep without knowing it Part Of Speech: noun; Error Type: gender was an exceptional human being , without knowing he was already famous. Nor did he know that even now , people had gathered in secret all over the country and they raised their glasses , murmuring: " To the health of Harry Potter. The Survivor! "